Monthly Archives: August 2012

A Labour of Hate

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Anti-Islam Ads Remixed in San Francisco and New York
Islamophobia, Zionism and the Norway Massacre
The Connection Between Zionism & Organized Islamophobia – The Facts
Geller and Spencer’s work actually shaped Breivik’s ideas, Walt explains
White Supremacists Find Common Cause with Pam Geller’s Anti-Islam Campaign
AEI Report on Islamophobia
Climate sceptics flirt with intelligent design and Islamophobic group
Horowitz tax filings
Pipes ME Forum
Fairbrook Foundation
The Media Institute
Americans for Peace and Tolerance
The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA)
Charles Jacobs
Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies
A Neo-Conservative International Targets Iran
Clarion Fund
Barre Seid
Did Sheldon Adelson Fund Anti-Obama Propaganda DVD?
Horowitz Freedom Center
CST warns Jews against joining anti-Muslim demo
The US-Israel Lobby
Project Reason
When the Norwegian terrorist contacted me

“Sheikh Medhi” Calls For Jihad In Syria

In a complete reversal of Al-Harati’s claims in a CNN interview that he was not trying to recruit foriegners for his band of mercenaries in Syria

Al-Harati, who describes himself as a “commander and facilitator” says there were no active efforts to recruit Libyans.

“These are grown men with their own minds and do not need convincing about this cause,” Al-Harati said.

Sheikh Medhi has issued a statement on Facebook to potential recruits.

Translated by Google.

In the name of God the Merciful
((Rush lights and heavies, and strive with your wealth and yourselves in the way of Allah is better for you if you know))
Commander of a brigade of the nation in the land of Sham El Sheikh (Mahdi Alharaty), it says:
To the youth of the nation in other Muslim countries and to reject all free of oppression and tyranny in the world, Íaajuta in God and religion, humanity and faith in you Ostnhi Onadakm and chivalry and magnanimity, of a
The bulk of the Levant that God bless the Almighty God said in His Holy Book: ((Aqsaa night from the Sacred Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque, which endorsed him))
((And for Arabad bin in place of the Prophet, peace be upon him that he had one day in the people and said: O people, is about to you Ojnada female Soldiers of the Levant and the Soldiers of Iraq and the Soldiers of Yemen, Ibn transfer: O Messenger of Allah a thing that time, choose me and said: I choose it to you the finest Cham Muslims and the God of his country’s elite Ajetbi the elites of his creation and God has guaranteed me Baham and her family))
In order to Sham and for the people of Sham, who slaughtered and violate their honor and tired mistreated by a handful hateful to Islam and its people how many were killed, an innocent and how violated than the width sister to us in religion and how many have been forced people to disbelief in God Almighty, God forbid, we who worship God alone, and they worshiped the human beings humiliated God and his response to the bottom of Alsavljen for all that I invite you to join the jihad in the land of Sham Blessed Be the hosts of the Levant, and be the elite of God’s creation as the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, and all those who wish to join Square Jihad and the Forum on revolutions in the land of Damascus in Syria support for their brothers in religion.
And belief that the price comes his weapon and that he was able to come invaluable weapon brother of his brothers the Syrians and the good of Jihad

God Jihad self, money and God bless ..

Al-Harati’s appeal to Muslims worldwide to jihad in Syria in remarkably similar to Al Qaeda’s leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri’s 

Mercenary in Syria Al-Harati Names His Donors In Kuwait

Translated by Google.

The (Brigade of the nation), which convey the nation’s promise of victories in Syria on the criminal gangs stamens, to ask everyone pray in these blessed days stability of the mujahideen and the Syrian people, the hero in the finest such as in patience and sacrifice as that (the banner of the nation) and pursuant to said peace be upon him (do not thank God who does not thank people) to thank all those who contributed to support the revolution and the Syrian factions striving special (the people) in Kuwait under the supervision of Sheikh h
Gage-Ajmi and Sheikh Irsheid Hajri and their brothers in the Commission for their continued support us and other factions striving since the beginning of the armed revolution and to the day as we call brotherhood donors to continue their support for the Syrian people by (the People), which is one of the closest bodies as evidenced by the Mujahideen in all regions of Syria this We ask God of victory and conquest nail and accelerate
For the Mujahideen

Brigade commander of the nation
Mehdi Alharatne


Osman Karahan – foriegn mercenary, jihadist, lawyer to Al Qaeda’s murderers – killed in Syria

In the surreal context of the then “enemy” in Iraq — foriegn jihadists — becoming friends in Syria who we give guns to in just a few short years nothing should surprise anymore.

In yet another display of the fine line between “good” (the west) and “evil” (Al Qaeda) the Sunni extremist Osman Karahan has been killed in battle by Syrian armed forces.  Karahan, a Turk, was fighting for regime change in Syria at the behest of the alliance between the Arab Gulf States and Western imperialist nations. The radical Islamist Karahan a tool of the west seemingly also shared close ties with Al Qaeda.  From UAE’s The National:

Mr Karahan, the Istanbul lawyer, was known in Turkey as the legal representative of several high-profile Islamists, among them Louai Sakka, a Syrian said to be a member of Al Qaeda.In 2007, Sakka was sentenced to life in prison for masterminding a series of lorry-bomb attacks on synagogues and British interests in Istanbul in 2003, in which 57 people were killed.A partial retrial, ordered by Turkey’s court of appeals, is continuing, but Sakka is still in prison. Mr Karahan also defended other Islamists in court.

According to The Guardian Karahan’s client Sakka has a long history of  extremism and terrorism.  He claims to have aided the 9/11 hijackers, fought in Iraq as well as being involved in the murder of Ken Bigley.

The Ugly Face Of Swedish Islamophobia hosts Zionist-Funded Hate Peddlers In Stockholm

August 4th 2012 was a busy day in Stockholm, Sweden.  Not only was it a celebration of the life and deeds of Jewish hero Raoul Wallenberg and Gay Pride parade day but it was also a celebration of hate; or as they prefer to call it “counterjihad”.

Stop Islamisation Of Nations, or “coincidentally” SION

Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and the leaders of the EDL were the star attractions at the event which also included speakers from various European EDL spin-offs.  By all accounts the the demonstration was an abject failure which garnered little interest.

One of the failed organisers was Stockholm’s own Isak Nygren of the Swedish Defense League (SDL).

The anti-Muslim fanatic was actually e-mailed by fellow “counterjihadist” Anders Breivik in the hours before he carried out his twin terror attack in Oslo.  Nygren was at the time following in Geert Wilders footsteps by living in a kibbutz in Israel.

Nygren then distanced himself from Breivik. However, his bigoted, reductionist conclusions very much mirrors Breivik’s.  For example in March Nygren gave a speech (transcript) in Denmark to a rabble of EDL and EDL-like  European knuckle-draggers on behalf of the SDL, which was essentially a condensed version of Breivik’s manifesto,  The SDL’s facebook page also made light of the mass-murder committed by Breivik and to truly expose their hypocrisy the supposed anti-extremist  SDL also counts terrorist group the JDL amongst it’s “likes”

Above: Close up of Nygren’s badge which  he wore at the rally.