Monthly Archives: February 2013

Morris Sadek And Terry Jones Brothers-In-Arms

September was a busy month for anti-Islam agitators Pastor Terry Jones and Morris Sadek. The Innocence of Muslims promoters had more than their film launch to focus on but September the 11th was also to see The Prophet Muhammed put on trial by Jones and his friends live on TV in a publicity stunt to launch Jones’ TV channel. The event dubbed “International Judge Muhammed Day” was promoted by Sadek on his site.

Four days later Sadek and Jones were scheduled to meet in Washington and to switch the focus of their hate from Muslims onto homosexuals in a protest outside the White House.

Morris Sadek was listed as a speaker for the event along with Jones.


Dr Terry Jones, President of Stand Up America Now
Wayne Sapp, Assistant Director of Stand Up America Now
Dr Scott Lively of Abiding Truth Ministries
Dr Rafael Guevera, President of the Evangelical Association of Hispanic Ministers of Washington, D.C., with the area Pastors of this Association and members their congregations.
Morris Sedak, Coptic State of Egypt
Michael the Black Man, Boss Group Ministry, WWW.GODS2.COM

Unfortunately for the pair the event had to be called off two days before the event on September 13th due to the reaction their hateful film had generated.

Teen: NYPD Paid Me To Bait Innocent Muslims

“A paid informant for the New York Police Department’s intelligence unit was under orders to “bait” Muslims into saying inflammatory things as he lived a double life, snapping pictures inside mosques and collecting the names of innocent people attending study groups on Islam, he told The Associated Press.

Shamiur Rahman, a 19-year-old American of Bangladeshi descent who has now denounced his work as an informant, said police told him to embrace a strategy called “create and capture.” He said it involved creating a conversation about jihad or terrorism, then capturing the response to send to the NYPD. For his work, he earned as much as $1,000 a month and goodwill from the police after a string of minor marijuana arrests.
“We need you to pretend to be one of them,” Rahman recalled the police telling him. “It’s street theater.”

Rahman said he now believes his work as an informant against Muslims in New York was “detrimental to the Constitution.” After he disclosed to friends details about his work for the police — and after he told the police that he had been contacted by the AP — he stopped receiving text messages from his NYPD handler, “Steve,” and his handler’s NYPD phone number was disconnected.

Rahman’s account shows how the NYPD unleashed informants on Muslim neighborhoods, often without specific targets or criminal leads. Much of what Rahman said represents a tactic the NYPD has denied using.”* Cenk Uygur breaks down the story and the completely unconstitutional acts the NYPD allegedly committed.

*Read more from Adam Goldman and Matt Apuzzo/ Associated Press:…

The Anti-Muslim Inner Circle | Southern Poverty Law Center

American Who Sparked Libya, Egypt Unrest Hates Obama, Hearts the GOP | Right Wing Watch

Coptic Priest Father Zakaria Lying About His Connections To Innocence of Muslims Filmakers

According to consultant/promoter Steve Klein Fr Zakaria was his employer. The Priest also let slip that he had known the film’s Producer Nakoula Bassely Nakoula

Anti-Islam film: the Coptic Brotherhood

Anti-Islam film: the Coptic Brotherhood

“I like to call this new generation of Egypt’s Christians ‘the Coptic Brotherhood’ … for they adopt the same policy & tactics of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Dr. Ashraf Ezzat

Pam Geller along with Robert Spencer had met Steve Klein in 2011. Geller lied to the nation in a CNN interview about this meeting.

Rep. Allen West To Host Islamophobic Group’s Briefing On ‘Homegrown Jihad’

pRep. Allen West (R-FL) has a lengthy history of pandering to Islamophobes and a well recorded willingness to rub shoulders with members of the extreme right. But a press release [PDF] announcing a “private citizens group to expose stunning details about homegrown jihad at Capitol Hill,” an event sponsored by West, should raise new questions […]/p

via Rep. Allen West To Host Islamophobic Group’s Briefing On ‘Homegrown Jihad’.

Anders Behring Breivik and the influence industry of rage

Anders Behring Breivik and the influence industry of rage

Eugene Robinson
Eugene Robinson
Opinion Writer

By , Published: July 26, 2011

The monster who admitted slaughtering at least 76 innocent victims in Norway was animated by the same blend of paranoia, xenophobia and alienation that fuels anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States. Yes, it could happen here.

The Jihad That Wasn’t by Kelley B. Vlahos —

The Jihad That Wasn’t by Kelley B. Vlahos —

WASHINGTON – A funny thing happened on the way to the jihadi takeover of America.

It got lost.

Same goes for Islamist radical attacks on American interests overseas – it’s just not happening to the degree that our favorite jihad hunters here in the U.S have been ranting about for the last 12 years. Turns out that most of the terror attacks occurring in the world today, according to 2012 Global Terrorism Index, are happening to someone else, and in many cases associated with conditions created by western military interventions.