Category Archives: Pastor Terry Jones

Morris Sadek And Terry Jones Brothers-In-Arms

September was a busy month for anti-Islam agitators Pastor Terry Jones and Morris Sadek. The Innocence of Muslims promoters had more than their film launch to focus on but September the 11th was also to see The Prophet Muhammed put on trial by Jones and his friends live on TV in a publicity stunt to launch Jones’ TV channel. The event dubbed “International Judge Muhammed Day” was promoted by Sadek on his site.

Four days later Sadek and Jones were scheduled to meet in Washington and to switch the focus of their hate from Muslims onto homosexuals in a protest outside the White House.

Morris Sadek was listed as a speaker for the event along with Jones.


Dr Terry Jones, President of Stand Up America Now
Wayne Sapp, Assistant Director of Stand Up America Now
Dr Scott Lively of Abiding Truth Ministries
Dr Rafael Guevera, President of the Evangelical Association of Hispanic Ministers of Washington, D.C., with the area Pastors of this Association and members their congregations.
Morris Sedak, Coptic State of Egypt
Michael the Black Man, Boss Group Ministry, WWW.GODS2.COM

Unfortunately for the pair the event had to be called off two days before the event on September 13th due to the reaction their hateful film had generated.

Qu’ran-Burner Terry Jones To Visit Toronto To Spread His Anti-Muslim Hate

The Toronto Sun reports that Jones has accepted an invitation to attend a round-table discussion and possible protest on October 11th and 12th. He has been invited by a group calling themselves Canadians United Against Terror, a partner of the extremist Hindu “organisation” (of none) the Canadian Hindu Advocacy led by the virulent Islamophobe and neo-Zionist Ron Banerjee. 

Allan Einstoss escorted away by police in Toronto

The coalition claims to be “grassroots”.  However, it’s latest anti-Islamic PR stunt in September attracted a mere twenty people (and three dogs).  Ostensibly “walk your dog in front of a Mosque day” was arranged by Canadians United Against Terror and Canadian Hindu Advocacy as a response to an incident where a Jewish man Alan Einstoss was arrested for creating a disturbance at an Al-Quds day demonstation in Toronto.  While Einstoss was being arrested by police his large English Mastiff ran wild amongst the crowd and received a kick.  Banerjee shamelessly blamed the lack of interest in his campaign on the weather and traffic.

Morris Sadek, the crazed Zionist at the centre of the Innocence of Muslims film promoted the work of Banerjee through his site at The National American Coptic Assembly on June 6th 2012 in a post entitled “Let Us Do Our Best To Stop The Disease of Islam From Spreading Over The World”. Banarjee, whose “Hindu advocacy” seems to involve exclusively creating irrational suspicions about Muslims was protesting a Toronto school’s decision to allow Muslim students to hold their Friday prayers in the school cafeteria so as to no miss classes.  The extremist Hindu joined forces with  the extremist Jews of the Jewish Defense League (JDL) and the extremist Christians and anti-Islamic fearmongers  of The Christian Heritage Group.

The similarities between Banerjee and Sadek doesn’t end in their mutual passion of film promotion.  Banerjee appears to be a Hindu-clone of his Coptic cousin.  Both have ties to Terry Jones, both appear equally unhinged by a fanatical hatred of Islam and Muslims, both head organisations which claim to represent their respective communities but have absolutely no grassroots support whatsoever and are flatly denounced by their actual community leaders and both have declared their undying love for Israel.  In the wake of the Israeli massacre of the Gazan people Benerjee also published an opinion piece in The Jewish Tribune declaring that Israeli actions were heroic and worthy of replication.

Banarjee with his JDL bodyguards

Banerjee flanks JDL Leader of Canada Meir Weinstein

VIDEO: Morris Sadek and Pastor Terry Jones Protest Outside The White House Together

The event coincided  with another rally of anti-Assad Muslims which led to a mild confrontation.